Welcome to the Discourse Comprehension Test
by Robert H. Brookshire and Linda E. Nicholas
Second Edition, 1997
What is the Discourse Comprehension Test?
The DISCOURSE COMPREHENSION TEST ( DCT) goes beyond assessment of isolated words and sentences to provide information about language comprehension as it occurs in more natural communicative interactions. The DCT systematically assesses brain-damaged adults' comprehension and retention of stated and implied main ideas and details from ten stories with questions that require yes-no responses. The stories are controlled for length, grammatical complexity, listening difficulty and information content. The DISCOURSE COMPREHENSION TEST permits sensitive and reliable measurement of changes in both listening and reading comprehension of discourse over time, and provides information useful for planning treatment and for counseling communication partners.
Test Contents
Test Manual (118 pages spiral bound)
The Manual contains guidelines for administration and interpretation of test results, extensive documentation of reliability and validity, and norms for non-brain-injured adults. It includes information on the test performance of adults with aphasia, right hemisphere damage, and traumatic brain injury.
Thumb Drive
Contains two practice stories, ten test stories, and question sets for each story to standardize the presentation of the spoken test materials.
Reading Cards
Laminated cards (12) contain printed stories and questions for assessing silent reading comprehension.
Response Record forms (Reproducible)
Clinician Report forms (Reproducible)
Sentence Comprehension Test
This test has 20 pairs of yes-no questions to assess comprehension of personal information, information about the immediate environment and nonpersonal factual information.